WordPress Tips « Page 4 of 7 « Acme Themes Blog

How to Choose a WordPress Theme to Build a Customer-focused Website


As a WordPress professional for more than three years, I can tell you there are plenty of things that make your website stand out in a bad way.  But, how do you move past mediocre and get it to catch the visitors’ attention firmly? That’s the burning question, a question that is often discussed but barely settled. A right WordPress theme with the right content would make your website stand out from the rest. It would make your visitors keep engaged in your site for hours or encourage your customers to make a purchase from your website. So, what makes a theme right for your website? A theme that helps your website turn into something that addresses the needs of […]

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How to Create a WordPress Website in 5 Easy Steps in 2025

how to create wordpress website

Today, everyone is going online. From small stores to big supermarkets, they are already expanding their online-based customer. As there are a growing number of people on the internet, you have to be found on the internet. The popularity of the Internet has prompted businesses of all sizes to have an online presence in the form of a Website. You now are no more a local vendor. You can reach millions of customers across the globe with the help of the internet. To reach to global audiences, the best way is to build a website that can be accessed from every corner of the globe. Building a website is not a big deal in today’s time! Back in the old […]

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10 Free Techniques To Speed Up WordPress Website

Free Techniques To increase WordPress Website speed

In the previous article, we have discussed Image Optimization in WordPress. In this article, we are going to discuss 10 free techniques to speed up WordPress website. Why WordPress Speed Matters? Google does take website speed as one of the ranking factors. This means your SEO performance is affected by the loading time of your website. So, if your website loads slow then Google downranks your website. Fast loading websites are not only a good experience for users but also it will be easier for a search engine to crawl. This directly impacts the conversion rate but also reduces the bounce rate of the website.  So, it is super important to make the website as fast as possible in order […]

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7 Techniques to Bulletproof Your WordPress Website

how to secure wordpress website

WordPress’s popularity is growing massively. More than a Quarter of all websites in the world run on the WordPress platform. Although it was primarily famous for the blogging platform, now we can build any type of website using WordPress. Popular companies like CNN, TechCrunch, SONY, The New York Times, and TED also use WordPress software to build their website. I have been in love with WordPress from the day I came to know about it. Statistics show that the popularity of WordPress is growing rapidly. With its popularity and growth, security equally comes as a vital challenge for website owners. Keeping safe from unauthorized access, manipulation, malicious attacks, and hacking becomes a crucial job for you. Especially if you perform […]

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What is Duplicate Content (Plagiarism) & How To Be Safe?

what is duplicate Content on Website

Have you ever checked your content on your website that it is 100% organic? Organic content tends to be unique that is written from scratch by ourselves. But sometimes, knowingly and unknowingly, our site might be affecting by duplicate content issues resulting in low traffic. Although Google does not strictly apply a penalty on the duplicate content issue, this is one of the reasons for downranking our site. The ultimate aim of a search engine is to give the best results to the users. So, you need to keep your website content “duplicate content” free in order to maximize the website’s performance. In this article, we are going to explain in detail about duplicate content. We will be covering the […]

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10 SEO Errors of WordPress Websites – Acme Blog

SEO Errors of wordpress websites

SEO Errors of WordPress Websites WordPress powers more than a quarter website in the world. And the number is growing day by day. It is super easy to build any type of website with WordPress. Especially with the use of amazing plugins like Gutentor, you can create any type of website in a matter of an hour. There is no doubt that WordPress is great for building websites. But building a website only does not make any sense. We need to build it in a way that people could easily find it on the internet. Also, we need to build sites in such a way that search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing love it. For this, we need to […]

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First Contentful Paint (FCP) and First Meaningful Paint (FMP) Explained


Whenever you are testing your website on speed testing tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix.com  you see the result with First Contentful Paint and First Meaningful Paint along with other speed metrics. These are important user-centric metrics that can tell you a lot about how long your visitors are waiting for content.  Let’s give a look at the following two screenshots. PageSpeed Insights speed report:   GTMetrix.com speed report: For any website, these two metrics indicate how fast is a particular website’s contents are opening on the screen. You might be wondering what those metrics exactly are. In this article, we are going to cover the First Contentful Paint (FCP) and First Meaningful Paint (MFP) in detail. Also, we […]

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WordPress 301 Redirect – A Step by Step Ultimate Guide

301 Redirect WordPress

For a website, there are various HTTPS Status Codes used for different purposes. Below are the HTTPS status code categories: 100s – Informational 200s – Success 300s – Redirection 400s – Client Error 500s – Server Error Among the above-listed status codes, we are talking about 300s – Redirection. There are different types of redirects such as 301 redirects, 302 redirects, 307 redirects, etc. However, to be precise in the topic, we are discussing 301 redirects in this article. I am going to cover all the topics related to “WordPress 301 Redirect“. We will cover – What are the 301 redirects? Why do you need 301 redirects? When to create 301 redirects? and How to create 301 redirects in WordPress? […]

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10 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Business Website

10 important wordpress plugins

WordPress powers more than a quarter website in the world. It is, by far, the World’s most popular Content Management System (CMS) holding 51.76 % of CMS market share (as of 2019). One reason for being this popular is because of the plugins’ availability. There are more than 55000 active plugins in the WordPress directory to choose from. It adds extra functionality to the WordPress website without even touching a single line of code. For a business website, you need to take care of lots of things in order to maintain the website’s effectiveness. Such as SEO, website speed, backup, designs and many more. So, here I have listed the essential plugins that you need to have in order to […]

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No Follow vs Do Follow Link – What is The Difference?

Do follow no follow copy

In Seach Engine Optimization (SEO), outbound links have a high impact on website ranking. Building and earning high-quality links are the core task of any SEO strategy. In this article, I am going to explain everything you need to know about outbound links, its type, advantages, and disadvantages. What is Outbound Link? An outbound link (external link) is a link that goes out from your website. As the name suggests, outbound links send visitors from your website to “linked” sites. Outbound links are used in a website for reference to the original article, facts. Or even for credibility and more information. Sometimes you give an external link for image/infographics credit and citation. Following figure clearly illustrates what outbound is – […]

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