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10 Reasons to Build a Website on WordPress Platform

Benefits of using WordPress

Here, we talk about 10 Reasons to Build a Website on WordPress. As we all know, WordPress is a popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world. According to the latest survey, WordPress powers 35% of all websites in the world. This number is huge for a single platform. Millions of people use WordPress to build a website including some big companies like CNN, TechCrunch, SONY, New York Times, TED, etc. There might be a question in your mind that, why people are using WordPress instead of other Content Management System (CMS). To make things clear, we are discussing 10 reasons why you should build your site using WordPress. But before that let’s know more about WordPress and it’s history. […]

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11 Best Tips to Design Attractive Landing Page in WordPress

tip for desining landing page

Are you thinking of how to design an attractive landing page? or you already fed up with your badly designed landing page? I this article, we are discussing 11 of the best landing page design practice you should follow. What is a Landing Page? According to the Wikipedia – A landing page, sometimes known as a “lead capture page”, “static page”, or a “destination page”, is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result, marketing promotion, marketing email, or an online advertisement. A landing page is designed specifically to promote specific products or services as a marketing campaign. This is the page where visitors land whenever they click in the promoted links […]

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15 Actionable On Page SEO Techniques for WordPress Website

onpage optimization for wordpress website (2)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important part of any website. There is a huge possibility to create a massive business on the internet just by driving tons of traffic to the website. Wait, driving tons of traffic sounds great right? But it is not as easy as we think. There are many competitors working in the same idea and niche. The only two ways to drive traffic to the website are either by running ads or ranking the site organically. Running ads and spending a huge amount of money is not in our interest.  So, another best way to drive traffic in by ranking the website organically on the search engines. It may take a few months to get ranked on the search […]

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Yoast SEO Plugin vs All In One SEO Pack | Which One is Better?

Yoast SEO vs All in One SEO Pack

When we talk about WordPress SEO plugins, there are two of the most popular and powerful plugins, they are Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack. There are new plugins as well in the market but these two are in the WordPress market for more than a decade. That is why people pick up either Yoast or All in One SEO. If you are stuck having the following questions in mind Which SEO Plugins in Good for WordPress in 2019? Whether to use Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack? Is Buying SEO plugin worth it? or How these plugins stand out differently in the market? Then, we are going to dig down into details about Yoast SEO […]

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13 Essential WordPress SEO Tips for a Beginner

wordpress SEO tips and techniques

As of 2019, 34% of the total website is built on the WordPress platform. With the continuous update and changes in the search engine algorithms, ranking higher is not that easy task. You must be up to date with each and every algorithm update and keep implementing different SEO tactics to get better results, especially in today’s competitive world. Search Engine Optimization task is easier for WordPress websites. Because the dedicated WordPress plugin makes it easier for SEO guide. In our previous article, we have listed 10+ Essential WordPress Plugins for a brand new website. Which you must have to install at any cost. In this post, we are going to discuss WordPress SEO Tips for a Beginner. Because these […]

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10+ Essential WordPress Plugins For New Website

Essential WordPress plugins for new website website

In this article, we are going to discuss 10 essential WordPress Plugins for a new website. First off, if you do not know what a plugin is then here is a simple definition of the plugin.  A plugin is a piece of software that adds extended functionality to a WordPress website. There are thousands of WordPress plugins available developed for different purposes. Plugins can be free or paid depends on the features. In Most cases, plugins are free to use.  In our previous article, we have discussed the 10 WordPress Settings For Brand New Website, in this article we are going to list  10 plugins that you need to install right after the new WordPress setup. 10 Essential WordPress Plugins For […]

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10 Essential WordPress Settings For Brand New Website

wordpress settings or new website

WordPress Settings For New Website Right after installing WordPress on your site, you are ready to publish the very first blog. But wait… before you publish the first blog you have to complete some basic but very important setting for WordPress. Creating a website is not a big deal but maintaining the better health of the website in all aspects is crucial. Maintaining better health for the website ultimately results in better ranking and increases the growth of the visitors. So, configuring these Basic WordPress Settings helps not only in the better ranking in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) but also increase the user experience. So, if you are starting the fresh WordPress website then you should go through […]

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6 Different Types of Website Traffic

types of website traffic

Different Types of Website Traffic. For all online businesses, website traffic is the key to measure revenue. Website traffic ultimately generates the conversion in the major business. So, driving traffic to the website becomes the primary function of the marketer and business owners. First off, let’s talk about what actually “traffic” term is. Website traffic is a number of people who come to your site through various channels. The channels can be different which we are going to discuss in detail in this post. Overall, engagement, lead, conversion, and profit entirely depends on website traffic. The more traffic to the site, the more the revenue is. Well, in this article we are not going to discuss how to drive the […]

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How to Make Sticky Posts on WordPress

sticky post in wordpress

In this article, we are talking about How to Make Sticky Posts on WordPress. In WordPress, by default, new post articles are published on the top of your blog. Always, the recent blog is on the top, and so on. With every new article published, your existing articles are pushed down a spot — and eventually, off the front page completely, or the previous post will push down and the recent post will take that place. These are called “sticky” posts” because they are “stuck” to the front page of the site.] Are you wondering about how to make your popular, best article or important information on your blog page always on the top of your site? It’s easy, you […]

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How to Remove the Powered By Text in WordPress Theme Footer

remove powered by text in wordpress

In this article, we are going to cover how to remove the powered by text in WordPress. Or simply say how to change to footer text in WordPress. There can be two cases, first in case you are using the Themes of AcmeThemes and for ordinary WordPress themes. We are going to cover for both cases. Case 1 – If you are using themes by Acme Theme All of our themes have Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: AcmeBlog by AcmeThemes. The text is written in the footer section. If you want to remove this you have a different approach to this. In the case of Premium Theme, If you are using the premium version(paid version), you have options to […]

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