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Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Corporate Plus Pro Slider Image Issue on Mobile Devices – Image Not Scaling Reply To: Slider Image Issue on Mobile Devices – Image Not Scaling

Ryan Deal

Thank you for the rapid response. Unfortunately, your advice and your link do not fix or answer the problem of image scaling on the scroller on mobile devices. I’ve thoroughly read through your forums before I posted this question. Others have posed the same question. Please answer this question with a direct response so the community can move forward:

“When proportioned to your theme’s recommendations, the background slider photo does not appear properly on a mobile user’s actual device, including iPhone and iPad. The in-Wordpress preview of this responsiveness looks great, but does not mirror a user’s actual experience. I believe the image is remaining the same size on mobile devices (not scaling at all) and is appearing beginning with the upper left corner of the image.

######## -> The image remains the same size on mobile devices (not scaling at all) and is appearing beginning with the upper left corner of the image. The image is not behaving responsively. <– #######

Please respond. Website is http://www.ryandeal.com. With all the users of this theme, I believe the answer lies somewhere; please point me to it.

Thank you!!