- Acme Themes

By looking at my old functions.php I am seeing that the developers of WP RSS Aggregator instructed me to add this to the file:

add_filter( ‘wprss_ftp_post_args’, ‘my_custom_post_args’, 10, 2 );
function my_custom_post_args( $post, $feed_source ) {
$new_post = $post;
$new_post[‘post_title’] = get_the_title( $feed_source ) . ‘ ‘ . $new_post[‘post_title’];
return $new_post;

add_filter( ‘wprss_ftp_add_source_link_method’, ‘my_move_source_link’ );
function my_move_source_link($loc) {
return ‘after’;

Would I be able to add this to the functions.php with your plugin?