- Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMagPro Breadcrumbs on Both Sidebar template Reply To: Breadcrumbs on Both Sidebar template


Hello Michael,

For your requirement, you need to create child theme, and you have to remove this hook
add_action( 'supermag_action_after_header', 'supermag_before_content', 10 );,
and add your own hook. This is simple customization task. The hook is present in acmethemes/hooks/header.php line 542 in the theme version 1.0.2.
Just like to know if you can do it by yourself. If you can do it we will guide you or we will provide you child theme by doing it ourselves, please let us know.
Note : We will update it in the next version of theme SuperMagPro if majority of our clients want it.
