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Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums AcmeBlog Removing/Altering Word Wrapping Reply To: Removing/Altering Word Wrapping


I did find a solution that worked for my site today. I am going to post it below. I am not comfortable with any type of code so I apologize if my lingo/approach isn’t quite right.

1) Dashboard > Appearance > Editor
2) Select Theme To Edit: AcmeBlog / AcmeBlog: Stylesheet (style.css)
3) Everywhere it said

word-wrap : break-word;

I changed to:

word-wrap : normal;

I think I only changed it in 3 places, under “Normalize”, “Comments” and “Recent Post”.

The text on my site appeared correctly after that and it functions on all devices. I saved a clean copy of the style sheet in case the developer has a better solution, but I haven’t had any trouble so far.