'Continue Reading' link to appear with More Tag at category page. - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums AcmeBlog 'Continue Reading' link to appear with More Tag at category page.

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    I hope someone can help me because I’ve spend over 4 hours googling and I can’t figure it out. I’m building my website with WordPress and chose the AcmeBlog theme. I wrote my first two blogs (two different categories) and added the category pages to the menu at the top. In both blogs I used the ‘More’ tag.

    On both category pages, the posts are indeed shown until the break line, however, there is no ‘continue reading’ link. Only the photo and title seem to link, but I’m afraid that’s not obvious enough for most visitors.

    Is there any way the More tage will automatically place a ‘Continue Reading’ link? Is there some kind of code I can insert and if so, could you please explain me step by step where to do that?

    Thank you so much,


    Hello TheTravellingFreelancer,
    Thank you so much for using our theme AcmeBlog. As your requirements, there is no any options to enable disable it.
    You have to write a line of code on the file to enable it.
    Please paste the below code on ‘template-parts/content.php’ below the line 43. i.e. below the code acmeblog_blog_content_layout();

    This code help you to make it read more and gives the way to single page.

    <p><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>">Read More</a></p>

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports



    Thanks for your reply. I did that and the link did appear, however, it was right below the image instead of at the end of the text. At the end of the text it now automatically shows three dots that aren’t linked. So, I’d like to see ‘Read More’ linked to the full article, instead of or right after the three dots.



    Hello TheTravellingFreelancer,
    You want to make the whole content clickable ? Already the image and Title is clickable and we are not focusing on the readmore button. If you are familiar with WordPress code, please edit the code with reference link. https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/the_permalink

    If you need customization you need to hire for the customizer for the dedicated customization.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports


    No not the entire content, just something that says ‘continue reading’ at the end of the text, where you actually want to continue reading. But nevermind, I’ll find something. Thanks.


    Nice to hear that. Please try yourself and if any problem arise regarding our theme, let us know. We will give our best to solve your problems.


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