Decrease blank space above date in header - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums AcmeBlog Decrease blank space above date in header

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    I don’t know what happened, I installed a plugin and deleted it and ever since there is a black space above my date in the header which is causing everything under the header to be moved down. Also before when I scrolled to the top I could not see the background color black but now I can. How do I decrease the blank space above the date in the header. I don’t want the header to be scrollable; I want it to be fixed


    Thank you so much for using our theme AcmeBlog. We visited your site and everything is fine on the header section. It is appearing like demo. In case of make header section fixed, this feature is only available on the premium version of our theme AcmeBlogPro. If you want to make it on this free version, you have to add some css code. If you are familiar with CSS code, you can easily change the position of the header section. We recommend you to use premium version of the theme, because premium theme have lots of additional features too. You can know details of premium theme here too.


    Note: Child theme is recommend you to customize the theme.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Themes

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