Distributing Posts between Pages - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums AcmeBlog Distributing Posts between Pages

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  • #5143
    Kellie K.

    Hi, would anyone know how to delegate my posts between menu pages? My menu consists of homepage (currently with a sticky post), blog, recipes, adventures, and home projects. I will be using WP Ultimate Recipe to write custom posts for the recipes, but I would like for these posts to show when I go to the Recipes Page. When I write posts on home projects, I’d like for them to show up under the Home Projects page, etc. Is there a way to do this with AcmeBlog?


    We are little confuse about the problem. Would you please clarify the problem with detail clarification with screenshot too? Or please share your link. It helps us understand your problem

    Best Regards,
    Acme Support

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