Feature image getting pixelated but not getting shorter. - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperNews Feature image getting pixelated but not getting shorter.


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    Hi there,
    We have been using this beautiful theme and there’s the only drawback of it is that feature images get pixelated at below 400×400 dimensions. All images of our website covering the whole screen as you can see on http://www.rtiwala.com/gauri-lankesh URL. Therefore, when suggested by Developer we tried with small dimension images and it’s getting pixelated and disappointing our readers.

    Screenshot: https://snag.gy/tFuTIL.jpg

    Please help!


    Hello simt,
    Thank you so much for using our theme. In case of a featured image, did you check the options for featured image size on customizer?

    1. Go to Appearance => Customize => Layout/Design Option => Default Blog/Archive Layout => Image Layout( Size ) Options and choose Image size to display
    2. For single post Go to Appearance => Customize => Single Post Options => Image Layout ( Size ) Options and choose Image size to display.
    Maybe that is helpful options for you. Kindly check the settings on customizer for single post options and try changing the image size.

    Thank you


    Hi there,
    Thanks a lot for the help. I’ve tried that too, but things are not working….!


    Does your image appear blur? We are so much worry about the problem. can you elaborate it in some different way so we can provide you the solution.

    Thank you

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