Feature Page widget (icw Thrives pagebuilder) not completely visible on mobile - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Education Base Feature Page widget (icw Thrives pagebuilder) not completely visible on mobile

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    I have just installed this theme and used Thrives Architect to build te pages. This works all very well, except for one thing:

    The text of the AT Feature Page widget on my Home page is shown only partially on a mobile screen: the first cm is missing:

    When I hold my iphone in landscape modus, it all works well:

    The other widgets on the main content area on my Home page do not show this problem in portrait modus, e.g. the AT posts column widget:

    Does anyone else recognize this? What can I do to fix this?

    Thank you very much,


    One addition: I tried putting excerpt text on the ‘wie ben ik’ page, so the home page would not need to have to ‘read’ the Thrives content: but also in that case the home page cuts of the 1st cm of the text…


    We checked your site on mobile version and it’s looking fine here. Can you please check once your site on another mobile phone as well. It may be fine on other devices.
    Thank you


    Hi, thanks for your quick reply! my friends encounter the same problem with my website on their devices. One of them reported: when I hold it portrait, it’s ok, but when I turn it to landscape, refresh, and then back to portrait, it’s not ok. And then it’s not solvable.


    Please check this link. We checked your site on real devices and it’s looking fine here. We are really worried about the issues you are facing.

    Thank you


    Indeed that looks perfect, how you see it on your devices. Thank you for trying this. I don’t know why we see it differently. I also have friends who see it without the mentioned problem. Could it depend on the device used? I use an iPhone 5. I just updated to iOs 11 but the problem stayed.

    I guess if you can’t reproduce it, I just have to live with it, or try another widget on my home page!


    Hello mariettedietz,
    Please let us know after the theme live, we will provide you the custom code to make that section good.

    Thank you


    Hello supporters,
    What do you mean by ‘after the theme live’? It is live already. I would like to have this custom code if you have it please, thank you for making this possible!



    Hello mariettedietz,
    We will consult with the developer and back to you again.
    Thank you


    Hello, any news from your developer? The problem is still there, I really hope you can find a solution!
    Thank you

    Acme Themes

    Hello mariettedietz,

    It takes some time but we finally found the solutions. The button text Lees verder over mijn missie en visie is longer than phone width and issue occurs. You can change the button text to shorter or can use the following custom CSS:

    .acme-featured-image .btn-primary {
        font-size: 12px!important;

    Let us know if this solve the issue.

    Best Regards!
    Acme Themes


    Yes! Thank you very much, that explains all. I have shortened the button text and now everything looks perfect!

    Kind regards,


    Nice to know the your problem is solved.

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