Featured Slider image order. - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Mercantile Featured Slider image order.

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  • #13033

    Hi Support,

    I am using your theme (which is fantastic)

    I am building a site for a client of mine and I would like to specifically order the images in the Feature Slider.

    I had it working the way I wanted, I then Changed the names of the pages and the sub page I had displaying fist got swapped to the second.

    The test site is mtstest.com.au / jaymac (no spaces)

    I would like the “Welcome” page and image to be first.

    could you please assist me.

    Thanks & Regards,


    Hello Smackere,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Mercantile. If you want to change the order of the slider, please change the date of that page. The recent date page will appear first and so on. You can check the date on the published section of the edit page.
    Please check once and let us know.

    Acme Supports

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