Front page lay-out changed - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Medical Circle Front page lay-out changed


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  • #101245


    The lay-out of my front page has changed after I tried to put a code in for google analytics, that did not work. The code is gone, but my site has since changed.
    There is way too much space unused in between blocks and also the blocks are bigger and show a lot of empty space. I do not have enough knowledge to try to change this myself
    How can I get it back to the original settings. It worked fine for years and now it looks awfull.
    I wish I could add some screenshots here to show, but I do not know how.

    Anybody any idea what i can do?
    Sincerely, Cora


    Dear Coracoach,
    If you can provide us with your site URL, we will observe and provide you with possible solutions.

    Best Regards!

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