Help, all kinds of problems just started to happen - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Help, all kinds of problems just started to happen

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  • #54707

    As of yesterday we are having all kinds of problems with our site theme, supermag. Here is what’s no longer working:

    – i don’t get any results when I search for any plugins in the add new plugin area. – my Simple history plugin that always worked is now making some very ugly errors and not working at all
    – I can’t attach images to new posts…. the media library just spins and doesn’t load
    – I cant edit images on a post
    – i cant add links to existing posts, when i type the name of a post it never loads any of them

    The strange thing is no errors are written to the server error log.

    I uploaded the newest version of the supermag theme, and I still get all these same errors. But if I switch theme to something different, like tweentyfifteen the errors all go away.

    Please help! I have no idea what to do at this point and I don’t want to have to change themes. It’s hard to debug anything when nothing makes an error message.


    Dear mindfulliving,
    Here are the recommended point to debug the issue, please follow it
    – Please deactivate all your plugins one by one then review the issue, may it conflict with any plugin.
    – Increase your memory limits size.

    Note: If the issue arise after following these points then please feel free to contact us.

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