Hide the catagory tags from displaying on the home page? - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Read More Hide the catagory tags from displaying on the home page?

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    The category tags for each post is displaying above the title on the homepage. How can I keep hide the category tags on the homepage?


    Hello simplybillie,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Read More. To hide the category and tags on home page, you will get options on the premium version, it is not available on free version. In case of free version, you need to take help with custom css.
    Please add the below css codes in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS to hide the category and tags.

    .home .cat-links {
        display: none;

    If problem is not solved, please let us know your site url as well.

    Acme Supports


    Hi! Thank you! The css worked and I went ahead and upgraded to the pro version. I have another question, though. How do I remove the title from the feature images? Is it possible to display the title below the image instead?
    Thank you!


    You need to customize the theme. There is no ready make features on the theme. Can you please provide the exact page link so that we can help you with best solutions?

    Thank You

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