How to remove the term and colon (ARCHIVE:) from h1 Page Title - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Education Base How to remove the term and colon (ARCHIVE:) from h1 Page Title

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  • #107427
    Lana Myers

    Good morning.

    I would like to remove/hide the word and the colon [b](ARCHIVE:)[/b] that appears in the title, for the link I have included below. How can I do this, if possible?

    [code]<div class=”wrapper inner-main-title”>
    <div class=”container”>
    <header class=”entry-header slideInUp1″>
    <h1 class=”page-title”>Archives: <span>Everything & The Kitchen Sink Blog</span></h1></p>
    </div> </header><!– .entry-header –>

    Thanks up front! 🙂


    Dear Lana,
    Please add the given CSS code in Additional CSS :
    Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS
    .inner-main-title .page-title {
    display: none;

    Best Regards!

    Lana Myers

    Thanks so much for the reply! Unfortunately, this code cause the entire page title to disappear. I am only wanting to hide or remove the word “Archive:” from the page title. Possibly deleting it from a theme file? Just can’t seem to find it. 🙂


    Dear Lana,
    The page title which you want to change on the page is inbuilt within the site. It cannot be changed via CSS code. It will need theme customization.

    Best Regards!

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