Howto remove posts' authors name? - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Howto remove posts' authors name?

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    We are trialling SuperMag as a possible theme for a UK based specialist magazine for men over fifty years of age, intending to move to the Pro version if found suitable for our needs.
    At present we only have two authors of posts but are recruiting more. Consequently, we would prefer to not show the same author’s name on each post. In fact we would prefer to not show any author’s name on each post.
    Please advise how we can do that?
    Thanks in advance.


    Hello Roj,
    Thank you for using our free theme and for your interest on our pro theme. As your requirement, you can show/hide author name details on each post. You can show/hide author on every widgets also. Besides this, there are lots of additional features available on theme. Please check difference here.
    If you have any questions regarding our theme, please do write here.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports


    Thank you for your response but regretfully it did not answer my query.
    I have read the SuperMag documentation before submitting my query but could not find the answer.
    So, to repeat my request, how do we remove the authors’ names from posts and widgets – past, present and future?
    Thank you and regards.


    Hello Roj,
    This feature is not available on the free version of theme. In our Pro version, you can Show/Hide author name on post and widgets. Besides this you can show/hide comments, date, category and can set the different color for different category too. You can find the difference here.
    All the field and options are changeable on pro version of theme, so we recommend you to use pro theme, although you can customize SuperMag theme as your need based on Child Theme approach if you are familiar with WordPress codes.
    If you have any query regarding our theme, please write us.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

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