I am looking for SuperMag with orange colors asap - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag I am looking for SuperMag with orange colors asap

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  • #49448

    Hello everybody,

    Is it possible to get this theme SuperMag, but no with original blue colors, i need with orange colors, like here:


    I will be grateful for the possibility of downloading the whole style (zip or rar). I do not know about css modifications.

    best regards, Michal


    Dear Kapil,
    By default, we don’t have demo data for the demo site you have mentioned.
    Hence, you can go its customization option and change the color scheme of the theme.
    Please follow the path below to update the color pattern of your site.
    Appearance > Themes > Customize > Layout/ Design Option > Colors
    Appearance > Themes > Customize > Layout/ Design Option > Category Color Options

    Best Regards!


    Dear Kapil,
    In the new version of themes, you will find the orange colored theme in demo import section. You will need to install Advanced Import and Acme Demo Setup
    plugins, then follow the path below:
    Appearance => Demo Import
    Click on Import

    Best Regards!

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