Just exactly like the demo - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Just exactly like the demo

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  • #5322

    I discovered SuperNews today and immediatly install in my new blog. It’s beautiful but i have a problem.
    I want make my blog just like I’m seeing in the demo http://www.acmethemes.com/demo/?theme=supernews
    I don’t know how I can put those categories in the main page instead of the last posts. I want make all those categories with all your lasts posts, like in the demo.

    Can you guys help me? I try so hard in every option and I don’t know how. http://netphenix.com.br/epopcult.com.br/
    I make myself clear? My native language is not english, sorry.


    Hello Vladson,
    Thank you so much for using our theme SuperNews. Please read the blog post and documentation to make the site as demo. And please play with the available options on the Appearance > Customize.

    Blog Post-> Here
    Documentation -> Here

    Warm Regards

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