"Know more" and "Read more" - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Mercantile "Know more" and "Read more"


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    Hi, i’m Marco. I would like to change “know more” and “read more” in articles and pages. I don’t write here my site cause is in local. I would like to know how we can change this botton’name in home page but inside pages too. If it’s possible i would like to change it for every articles or pages and not in general. Thank you so much.


    Hello marcoluca1988,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Mercantile. If you want to change the default text of slider, and blog section you can either customize the theme code or you can use the premium version of it. In the premium version, you have lots of added features. If you want to change it on free theme, find the codes inside the acmethemes/hooks/slider-selection.php file and check other needed files as well.
    We are offering 40% discount on all our products now. You can use that offers as well.

    Acme Supports

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