Main Navigation Menu - Acme Themes

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  • #22585

    Good morning! Our web address is I’m very happy with this theme, but I’m having trouble with the site navigation menu, specifically the pages that have children. When I mouse over the parent page, the listing of child pages appears. However, it typically disappears when I move the mouse to try to click on one of the child pages. I’ve had this happen across different browsers and regardless of whether or not I am logged in to WordPress. On occasion it will work or I can get it to work by using the arrow down on the computer, but this is not consistent or practical. Could you please give me some advice on this? Thank you!


    Hello esingleton,
    While viewing your website, you did lots of theme customization via CSS and PHP. So, we think that issues arose after the theme customization. So, we recommend you to consult with the developer who helped to customize this theme.
    And while checking your website, its working fine here.
    Please try by adding the below css codes inside Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

    .main-navigation ul ul{
    margin: -7px !important;

    Hope this helps.



    That worked perfectly! Thank you!


    Nice to know that your problem is solved.

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