Thank you for the awesome theme. I noticed after the recent update that Meta is now showing at the top of the main page before the first post. Site is I added Google Anaylytics and page level ads to the head under <head> in the header.php.
Hello Tracker,
Thank you so much for using our theme. In this major updates, we updates lots of features and added as well. Please check the changelog about the details or here is the changelog.
== Changelog
* Add: Option to show/hide front page content
* Add: Random Post
* Add: Sticky Sidebar
* Add: Multiple Logo Position
* Add: Multiple Advertisement Position
* Add: Image Hover effect on Blog
* Add: Image size on Blog
* Add: Image position on Blog
* Add: Image size on Single
* Add: Image position on Single
* Add: Widget Image Size Selection
* Update: Breaking News Options
* Update: Header Advertisement Enable/Disable
* Update: Different Search Type on Menu
* Update: Slider Right Section
* Update: Sidebar priority changed
* Update: Blog archive image selection
* Update: Single image selection
* Update: Upgrade to pro
* Update: Markup CSS
* Update: Typography and Fonts
* Update: Default Color
* Update: Tested upto 4.7
* Fix: Minor bug
* Update: Removed No Image Available
Enjoy all the added and updated features on the theme.
In case of removing meta, Please check the Widget on Appearance > Customize > Widget > Home Main Content Area and check the widget.
Hope this will help to solve your issues.
Acme Supports
This reply was modified 8 years ago by acmethemes.