Mobile menu issue - Acme Themes
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  • #81794


    I am helping my child’s school with their WordPress site. Education Base Pro has been purchased and the site is due to go live soon, however testers have noticed an issue with the site menu on mobiles.

    The menu displays properly however menus with sub-items when selected (tap) are following the href link rather than expanding and displaying sub-menu items.

    All menu items including sub-menus are page targets, is there anyway around this?

    I’ve noticed on the education-base demo site ( that only one menu item has a sub-item, when viewed on a mobile this is automatically expanded, where is the option that controls this?



    Actually figured it out after installing the non pro version on my dev WordPress server and installing the demo site.

    I need to change the non-clickable menu items to be custom links with a URL of #, then add the sub-menu item pages.


    Dear Dlaw,
    That’s good to know that the problem has been solved.

    Best Regards!

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