Need help formatting buttons on sliders - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Construction Field Need help formatting buttons on sliders

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    I recently installed the Construction Field theme on my WordPress site because I’m building a new demo site for my company. I know a little CSS but I’m not proficient at it by any means.

    I would like for BOTH the buttons on the two main sliders to go transparent green on hover. I was able to change Button One like so:

    .btn-primary.btn-reverse:hover {
    background: rgba(0,255,0,0.2);

    But the other button goes solid blue on hover, and I can’t find where to change that!

    The site’s not public yet, so I can’t include links. But any general advice would be appreciated.


    Dear Kstrecker,
    If you can provide us your site URL, we will observe it and provide you possible solutions.

    Best Regards!

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