Main menu doesn't collapse after click. - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Mercantile Main menu doesn't collapse after click.

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  • #18026

    Nice to know that your problem is solved and thanks a lot for sharing the answers.


    Hi guys. I was considering to use Acme theme on my site, and while evaluating free version discovered same issue – in mobile mode menu does not auto-collapse. So I’ve googled for similiar feedback from other users and quickly discovered this thread.

    In my view issue shoud’ve been fixed – especially after one of your clients posted fix here. Instead, it is still present in current version (3+ months after solution was posted here). Even more – it took 5-6 posts here on support forum just to explain what the issue is, and this is fairly simple stuff.

    I must say that support level in my view isn’t on par. For free theme it’s probably OK, but for premium theme…I doubt..


    You will get lots of added features and dedicated support on premium theme. And we will try to fix the issues/features after the clinet got/request the features and issues even on premium theme.
    Thank you


    You will get lots of added features and dedicated support on premium theme. And we will try to fix the issues/features after the clinet got/request the features and issues even on premium theme.
    Thank you


    You will get lots of added features and dedicated support on premium theme. And we will try to fix the issues/features after the clinet got/request the features and issues even on premium theme.
    Thank you

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