post-thumbnail size and widget title clickable - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag post-thumbnail size and widget title clickable

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  • #72213

    I recently put the SuperMag theme on my site, but I noticed a problem that I couldn’t solve with the thumbnail size on the homepage.
    In the demo the size of the post-thumbnail is 240×172, although I put the featured images in the same size as in the theme documentation (options-> media size), on the home page they get another size (255×153)
    If anyone can help me. I’m testing first in the “Posts Recentes” session (recent posts)
    my website:

    Another question is how do I make the widget title clickable.
    Example: I use At Post Column to show posts from a particular category and the title of this widget is clickable to show all posts from that category.


    Hello leo evageek,
    I recently put the SuperMag theme on my site, but I noticed a problem that I couldn’t solve with the thumbnail size on the homepage.
    In the demo the size of the post-thumbnail is 240×172, although I put the featured images in the same size as in the theme documentation (options-> media size), on the home page they get another size (255×153)
    If anyone can help me. I’m testing first in the “Posts Recentes” session (recent posts)
    my website:
    Response: While installing supermag it will install Acme Fix image plugin and it will run automatically to resize the image size. But some of the servers interrupt it to run while installing the plugin. So, here you just need to run plugin once(Acme Fix image) Path:Dashboard => Appearance => Acme Fix images.

    Another question is how do I make the widget title clickable.
    Example: I use At Post Column to show posts from a particular category and the title of this widget is clickable to show all posts from that category.
    Response: In the widget, there is an option to enable the link. Please check out


    Hello, thanks to help.
    But about second questions…I don’t find the option to enable de link.
    The widget options appears to me like this:

    Widget Options

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by leo-evageek.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by leo-evageek.

    Dear Leo,
    This feature is available in the premium version only.

    Best Regards!

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