Products not showing after adding - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Online Shop Products not showing after adding

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    Hi, I add new products, select the category and publish, the product does not display, only way to get product to display is to add to special menu through “appearance, menu” and add it there, that would work for a few product but i have over 8000 ??

    Acme Themes

    Helo Supergavin,

    Please add some widget from Appearance => Customize => Home Main Content Area.
    Also check customizer options.

    Best Regards!
    Acme Themes


    thanks for your response but not sure if you understand, nothing in the customize changes the issue, to get products to display i have to manually add each and every one, i have to go to Appearance, Menus, then Products, select and “add to Menu” then drag it under the correct Category, this should not have to be done, please can you assist ?


    Dear Supergavin,
    If you can provide us your site URL, we will observe it and provide you possible solutions.

    Best Regards!

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