Rss dont work with your theme - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Rss dont work with your theme

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    I have tried lots of things to get rss to work and the only thing that does it is when I change themes and not use yours … is it only work in the pro ???? if so that sucks… I also cant use the widgets in my customizer which is very irritating can you fix that. is there a way to display pages in the featured section is that in that in the pro… any way I am going to look at the stuff on pro… I think your theme is great over all just a few little things … I have it on a couple sites and will buy it but need to know if I can do some things with it .. or it will not be good for me


    Hello candyw,
    Thank you so much for your question regarding our theme SuperMag.
    1. Which plugin are you using for RSS feed ? Would you please tell me that you are using plugin or Custom code? So that we can check and find the issues and solutions.
    2. What you mean by irritating on the case of Widget ? Is widget appeared weird or other things? Have you edited any code on theme ?
    3. In case of pages, you want to display pages, in slider and slider right section ? This theme is specially designed for magazine and blog, so users usually add post and manage all the section from the post in free theme. But in premium version, you can manage slider from category and make your custom slider.
    Please have a look here to know the difference between free and pro version.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

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