Slider not working after update - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Corporate Plus Slider not working after update

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    Updated the theme and now the home slider doesn’t work.



    Hello Jackalcity,
    We checked the updated theme and it is fine here. Would you please check once on Appearance > Customize > Featured Section > Featured Slider Options and check there is parent page selected or not. If you select the parent page, its child pages will appear as slider. In case of free theme, only text will slide. The title and content of child pages will slide there. You will get more options in case of slider and lots of other widget to make your site more awesome.
    you can check the difference here. Please view the full page to find the difference. If you have any query regarding our theme, please write us. We will provide our best to solve your problems.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

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