Three Queries - Acme Themes
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  • #11505

    Hi Acme Team,

    Thanks for this beautiful theme. I have three queries to ask,

    first how to reduce the size of the blocks and enable black border lines on them?

    second how to permanent this effect? for your reference —

    thrird how to show categories options in a horizontal line on frong page below the search bar? for your reference —



    Hello zameer,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Acme Photo. You can easily make the site as our demo, but if you need any additional functionality or design, you need to customize the theme. The list of categories are available on the premium version of theme and the border color can remove if all the entity there are hide on the pro features. Hope, you will get the more options to customize the site through premium theme.
    Let us know, if you have any confusion.

    Warm Regards

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