Twitter widget disappears - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Read More Twitter widget disappears

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  • #18469

    I’m having trouble with the Read More Pro theme conflicting with the Twitter widget. I’ve contacted Jetpack and tried a number of things to see if there was a plugin conflict. I tried a different theme and the widget works.


    Hello klobomedia,
    Thank you so much for using our premium theme. Would you please check once by removing the sticky sidebar and check that widgets again. We think the sticky sidebar is causing the conflicts.

    Enable/Disable Sticky Sidebar Options 
    Go to Appearance > Customize > Layout/Design Option > Sticky Sidebar Options 
    Checked on Enable Sticky Sidebar Loader to enable it.
    If preview is fine, click on Save & Publish.

    See this documentation for more help.


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