unable to download the file - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Feminine Style Pro unable to download the file

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  • #110883
    Wilma Vervoort

    Although my payment went thru yesterday already, I still don’t have access to the Feminine Pro-template I bought yesterday.I keep on getting this message:
    You must have an active subscription to Feminine Style Pro in order to download this file.

    I need to work on the website this weekend because only this weekend I have access to a person who can assist me. Please fix this asap.

    Wilma Vervoort


    Dear Wilma,
    Please email about your issue in email along with your Order id.

    Best Regards!

    Carmen Morillo


    Me pasa lo mismo, hace dos días compré un tema y aún no he podido descargar el archivo, honestamente el soporte no me ha respondido para solucionar esta situación.

    Aqui el mensaje que sale:
    Debe tener una suscripción activa a SuperMagPro para poder descargar este archivo.

    Cuando entro dice que la suscrpción esta activa.

    Espero me puedan resolver, de lo contrario favor hacer la devolución.


    Dear Wilma,
    Please write your issue in English.

    Best Regards!

    Carmen Morillo


    The same thing happens to me, several days ago I bought a theme and I still haven’t been able to download the file, honestly the support has not responded to me to solve this situation and all the emails they send me tell me the same thing and I can’t download.

    Here is the message that sells:
    You must have an active SuperMagPro subscription to be able to download this file.

    When you enter it says that the subscription is active.

    I hope you can resolve it, otherwise please return it.


    Dear Wilma,
    Please email us at [email protected] and let us know your email address.

    Best Regards!

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